Our students love to sing.
The choral music program at Shattuck-St. Mary’s School offers singing opportunities to students of all levels. Ensembles rehearse during the school day, 5 days a week. Courses in theory and ear training provide fundamental knowledge on which to build a repertoire, and private voice lessons are available during the class day. Students are also encouraged to develop as solo artists, with countless performance opportunities, on and off campus.
Middle School Choir
Made up of students in grades 6-9 with varying degrees of singing experience, the Middle School Choir use a variety of musical styles in learning vocal technique, music reading and other skills necessary to become an independent musician. These singers give several performances on campus and in the Faribault area.
Upper School Chamber Choir
An audition ensemble for students in grades 9-12 with varying degrees of experience, this choir encourages the development of good vocal technique, music reading skills and other skills necessary to become an independent musician. Students in this choir perform for Campus Christmas Walk, “Christmas in the Chapel”, and various graduation events.
The Joan Smith Waitt Performing Arts Suite provides excellent acoustic space for vocal groups to rehearse, as well as private practice rooms and an extensive music library.