Science Teacher Evaluation Form


Teachers: Please fill out this form to the best of your ability and hit the submit button. 
BioScience Program Description
The BioScience Program at Shattuck-St. Mary's School is designed for highly motivated students who would like to pursue an interested in medicine or medical research and technology. The rigorous two-year program offers a curriculum that is based on the study of human anatomy and physiology, and is supplemented with a diverse offering of enrichment experiences, both clinical and research-oriented. Also, each BioScience participant will design, implement and complete a significant research project under the supervision of a BioScience Program site sponsor. 
Student Information
Name of studentrequired
First Name
Last Name
Applying to graderequired

About the Student

0 / 1000
0 / 1000
In what grades did you teach the student?required
Is this course designated as an honors or accelerated course?required
0 / 2000
0 / 2000
0 / 2000
0 / 2000
0 / 2000
Mark the sections that represent your evaluation of the student in comparison to other students in their age group whom you have taught.
Potential for a Health Science-related careerrequired
Passion/Enthusiasm for Sciencerequired
Willingness to accept intellectual challengesrequired
Possesses a "Growth Mindset"required
Ability to ask interesting/novel questionsrequired
Ability to think reflectivelyrequired
Ability to think introspectivelyrequired
Response to criticismrequired
Ability to work independentlyrequired
Ability to work in groupsrequired
Communication skills with adultsrequired
Communication skills with peersrequired
Problem-solving ability required
Reasoning Abilityrequired
Organizational skillsrequired
Respect accorded by facultyrequired
Respect accorded by peersrequired
Academic potentialrequired
Academic achievementrequired
Concern for othersrequired
Your info
Thank you for your valuable time to complete this evaluation. Your reflections are an important part of the student's application. 
First Name
Last Name