- General Information
- COVID-19 Protocols & Safety Measures
- Scholarship Video / Essay Contest
- Camp Staff
- Tuition, Registration, Group Levels, Video Requirements, Fees, & Camp Bank
- Private Lessons
- Multiple-Week Stays & Evening/Weekend Activites
- Health Services
- Food, Allergies, & Special Dietary Requests
- Dormitory Life
- Behavioral Expectations, Dress Code, and Discipline Policies
- First-Time Skaters, Homesickness, & Supervision
- Mail, Communication, Cell Phones, & Photos
- Parents Observing Skaters During Camp
- Packing/What to Bring
- Camp Bank, Sabre Cafe, School Store
- Camp Location, Driving Directions, and Air Travel
- Sunday Check-In Procedures
- Friday Exhibition & Early Check-Out Procedures
- Saturday Check-Out Procedures
- Samples Camp Schedules
- Local Hotels & Accomodations
- Refund Policy
- Goal-Setting & Lesson Planning Document
- Visiting Coaches
General Information
Why Shattuck-St. Mary’s Training Camp?
Shattuck-St. Mary’s Figure Skating Training Camp is a premier camp, dedicated exclusively to the passionate figure skater. We combine the best training and facilities with a traditional overnight camp experience. All skaters, ages 8 – 17, who meet camp level requirements, are welcome. SSM provides skaters with a safe and fun figure skating camp experience in a positive environment. From the competitive training and ice shows, to camp fires, swimming, & nature hikes, SSM Figure Skating Training Camp give skaters a chance to laugh, learn, & grow.
Camp Philosophy
SSM Figure Skating Training Camp isn’t just a summer camp. Our skaters leave us at the end of their stay as active, joyful, adventurous figure skaters who have obtained a wealth of knowledge. This doesn’t happen by coincidence…. it happens because we are committed to providing a variety of safe, active learning opportunities that promote skill development, friendship, and fun. Through individual successes and group challenges, skaters develop a stronger sense of self-confidence, while creating memories that last a lifetime. Skaters should have the desire to learn and work throughout their entire training experience.
General Information
We’re proud to continue our long-standing tradition of exceptional training for the development of skaters from around the world. We provide a world-class coaching staff, a professional camp staff, and a safe and nurturing environment. Our proven program keeps skaters coming back year after year.
We divide our groups by skill level. Roommate and level requests will be carefully evaluated, but are NOT Guaranteed. Skaters in different levels will have the opportunity to hang out with their friends throughout the day, or at the end of each day. Based on enrollment, your skater’s level and/or counselor may change with the start of each new week.
Each week, skaters will receive up to 24 hours of supervised Freestyle ice and almost 30 on and off-ice instructional classes including Ballet/Dance, Conditioning, Sports Psychology, Off-Ice Jump and Stretch Classes, and On-Ice Stroking, Power, Choreography, and Technique Classes. During all Freestyle ice sessions, private lessons may be scheduled for an additional fee.
Is the program competitive or non-competitive?
We consider our program to be competitive training. Our approach is comprehensive, with emphasis on learning the skills needed to be the best and enjoy the sport. Spirited drills and exercises are part of the program, but our focus is reinforcing that “effort” and “giving it your best shot” are key.
Coaching & Lessons
We offer the highest-quality instruction possible in all areas of figure skating. Guest and Resident Coaches are among National, International, World, and Olympic professionals. Instruction is provided one-on-one and in groups.
Instruction Philosophy
Every activity, whether dance, conditioning, or jump technique begins with the teaching of a skill, which then leads to execution. Our camp’s goals are to teach skaters new skills, as well as sharpen existing skills.
Is the program highly structured and how do the younger skaters handle it?
SSM Training Camp is structured. We have a set daily schedule so that skaters know what’s happening and when. All levels receive the same amount of group instruction.
How are the younger skaters scheduled?
Like all skaters, younger skaters travel together as a group with their counselor(s), according to a schedule of activities designed for skill level. The program is designed to expose all skaters to a wide variety of on and off-ice skill development and activities; we provide appropriate instruction in these activities, maintain unity, and provide close supervision.
Where do skaters come from?
Skaters come from all over the world! In the last few summers, we’ve had skaters from 40 states and more than 15 countries. Many of our skaters come from Minnesota, Illinois, New York, North Dakota, Wisconsin, Florida, and California, but we’ve had skaters from Russia, Japan, Argentina, Germany, Mexico, Thailand, Italy, Ireland, France, Australia, Canada, Mexico, Singapore, China, Iceland, India, England, and South Africa too! Just think of the friends you’ll make from lots of new and fascinating places!
What is the best age for skaters to start attending SSM Training Camp?
SSM Training Camp offers sessions for skaters ranging in age from 8 to 17 years old. Depending on the skater’s level and interest, they usually start attending camp between the ages of 8-10. Of course, you know your skater best and know whether they are ready for an active and challenging camp experience.
Successful skaters demonstrate independence at home, such as being able to take a shower and wash their own hair, get themselves dressed, etc. Counselors assist young skaters with everything they need, but skaters must be able to handle the basics. If, by age 10, you and/or your skater are still unsure about whether he or she is “ready” for camp, it still is probably a good age to start. Our skaters who start camp at an older age adjust fine, but are usually disappointed that the number of summers they are able to participate is limited.
Class, Group, & Private Lessons
Skaters will have a full day of group activities and lessons, but we encourage taking private lessons. These lessons are available during all scheduled freestyle times. Freestyle sessions and classes are divided by level. Private lessons are an additional fee and availability is limited.
How Do I Register For Private Lessons?
After you complete your on-line registration, a link will be sent to your email address. This link will let you check out what’s available and allow you to sign up for private lessons. Lessons are scheduled on a “first-come, first-served basis”.
How the Camp Works
Sunday Check-In: 12:30pm – 3:30pm at the Ice Rink/Sports Complex. Parents/guardians will have a chance to meet our camp managers, staff, and counselors. In addition, parents can ask questions and finalize any details. After checking in, parents and skaters will head to their dormitory to unpack and settle into dorm rooms. Skaters will then meet our guest coaches and directors over dinner and orientation (Parents are welcome to join us during dinner and orientation for no additional charge). Skaters will be assigned to “teams” of approximately 10-25 skaters of similar skill. We have four different groups rotating between on-ice and off-ice activities. Skaters will be assigned to 2 to 3 camp counselors, who will be with the group throughout the camp stay 24/7. Counselors will oversee the group’s activities, making sure they arrive on time, and get to required sessions and classes.
Monday Seminars: Skaters, within their groups, rotate between on-ice and off-ice activities in a structured seminar style. Our featured guest coaches focus on the development of technique, motivation, preparing for competition, and basic components such as: Skating Skills, Transitions, Choreography, Performance/Execution, and Musical Interpretation. Freestyle ice/private lessons are held in the morning and evening.
Tuesday – Friday: Skaters, within their groups, rotate between on-ice and off-ice classes and activities. Skaters can receive private lessons from our guest and resident coaches during their freestyle sessions.
Friday: Freestyle ice/private lessons in the morning and early afternoon. Evening Exhibition and Pizza Party.
Saturday: Check-out & morning freestyle ice/private lessons.
Camp Activities
· Power Stroking Class |
· Jump & Spin Technique Class |
· Choreography |
· Edge/Warm-up Class |
· Private Lessons |
· Exhibition/Performance |
· Warm-up Class |
· Strength & Conditioning |
· Stretch Class |
· Jump Class |
· Dance/Theater/Performance |
· Seminar Presentation |
· Arts & Crafts |
· Dance Nights |
· Movie Night |
· Camp Games |
· Water Park |
· Camp Fire/S’mores |
Additional Services at Camp
· Skate fittings and/or sharpening by appointment on the Sunday of check-in with an Edea certified Rep. Payment will be made directly to the Edea rep. (est $30.00).
COVID-19 Protocols & Safety Measures
S-SM and COVID-19. As a global community, Shattuck-St. Mary’s School has been constantly monitoring the rapidly changing COVID-19 situation throughout the world to help protect and support all campers, students, employees, their families, and the communities our SSM family lives in. Please go to https://www.s-sm.org/about-us/covid-19 for detailed information on how the school is handling COVID-19 during the school year.
Will skaters be required to have a COVID-19 test before arrival? No.
Will parents be required to sign a release of liability waiver regarding COVID-19? Yes. During the registration process, you will be asked to sign a release of liability waiver regarding COVID-19.
Will parents be allowed in the dorms to help with move-in? Yes.
Will skaters be allowed to pick their roommate? Yes. We will do what we can to honor requests, but cannot guarantee them. Skaters can skate down a level to be with a requested roommate, but skaters cannot skate up a level. Make sure, if your skater is going to skate down a level, that the requested roommate has requested your skater. In other words, to guarantee the skaters will be roomed together, they must request each other, and ONLY each other.
Will skaters be allowed to change roommates? No.
Will skaters be allowed to change group levels? No. Any request to change group level must be made at least a week before camp commences. The Director may request a second video. The Director’s decision on appropriate group-level placement is final.
What is the plan for individual group levels/cohorts in the event of a positive COVID-19 case? We are setting aside open spaces in a number of locations on campus to be used as quarantine and isolation rooms, including leaving extra spaces in each dorm in order to accommodate the potential need for a sudden shift. We use the word quarantine to describe the step that happens when a person has a suspected exposure, but has not tested positive or shown symptoms. Quarantine separates and restricts the movement of people who were exposed to a contagious disease to see if they become sick. We use the word isolation for a person who has tested positive or has shown symptoms and is awaiting test results. Isolation separates sick people with a contagious disease from people who are not sick.
* If there is an exposure within the camp, skaters who have been fully vaccinated will not be required to quarantine unless they become symptomatic.
Friday Exhibition. We WILL be holding our weekly Friday Exhibition. The exhibition will also be live-streamed.
Scholarship Video / Essay Contest
Prize: One week of SSM Figure Skating Camp
If you would like to guarantee your spot in camp, please go ahead and register once the registration process is available.
There is a $500 deposit required at the time of registration.
If your essay or video is chosen as the winner you will be refunded any registration fees you have paid.
How to Enter Grand Prize Essay Contest
- Skater must be eager for a figure skating challenge and excited about being part of a close community of friends.
- Contestant must be between the ages of 8 and 18.
- Essay format must be submitted by video.
Video Essay
- Video must be no longer than 3 minutes in length
Essay Criteria (Video essays must meet the following criteria):
1. A mix of reading your essay and skating
2. Tell us about yourself and describe why you want an SSM Summer Figure Skating Camp Adventure.
3. What do you hope to personally gain from this experience?
4. How will you contribute as a member of your camp community?
5. Why do you love figure skating?
6. How will this experience help you contribute to your skating community at home?
Registering & Submitting Your Essay
- Essay Contest form
- Submit your video essay before the entry deadline
- Deadline: Essay Registration and Video must be received by the SSM Figure Skating Camp on or before the March 15.
- Essay Registration @ Smartsheet
The winner will be notified by April 1st and will receive a fully paid (6 days) Summer Figure Skating Training Camp Experience! Any date constraints specified by the winner will be taken into consideration. Transportation to and from the Shattuck-St. Mary's School is not included, nor are private lessons. Both are the responsibility of the winner. The prize is non-transferable and has no cash value, expressed or implied. All submissions become property of Shattuck-St. Mary's School and can be used for promotional purposes.
Camp Staff
How is the staff screened?
Most counselors are SSM alumni or have extensive background in figure skating. A lot of time and attention is devoted to hiring qualified coaches and skater-centered counselors. Head counselor applicants must be at least 18 years of age. All staff members must have completed a written application, provide excellent references, document their experience working with skaters, and must evidence a strong desire to make a positive impact upon the lives of young people. All references are confirmed and criminal background checks are performed. The staff members we select must be excellent role models and warm, nurturing caregivers. All coaches and counselors are SkateSafe compliant.
How is the staff trained?
Staff members attend a pre-camp staff training session of 1 – 3 days depending upon the responsibilities to be assumed by the staff member. The staff training period covers a wide variety of topics such as first-aid, emergency procedures, preventing bullying behaviors, group dynamics, skater behavior management, skater homesickness, camp rules and regulations, risk-management, and program operations. Each successful phase of the staff member’s training is documented and, upon completion of all training sessions, staff members are “qualified” as camp counselors and staff.
What is the Staff-to-Skater Ratio?
Our staff-to-skater ratio is better than 1 to 10.
Leadership Training Program
Skaters can continue their camp career beyond the 12th grade by participating in the SSM Leadership Training Program. Participants learn responsibility and leadership skills in a fun atmosphere by attending leadership classes and working under the guidance of a senior staff mentor.
Tuition, Registration, Group Levels, Video Requirements, Fees, & Camp Bank
Tuition includes dormitory housing, three meals per day, seminar, exhibition, all ice time, on & off ice group class instruction and camp activities. Private lessons and ropes coarse are available for an additional fee.
Weekly Camp Tuition
Early Bird Discount (through Feb. 28) | $1,650.00 ($200 off) |
Early Bird Discount (March 1 - 30) | $1,700.00 ($150 off) |
Open Enrollment | $1,850.00 |
Registration Dates
Registration | Registration Date |
Open Enrollment | ESTIMATED December 15 |
Essay Contest Deadline | March 31 |
Sessions | Daily |
Optional Free Style | 2 |
*Free Style | 2 - 3 |
Edge | 1 |
Jump & Spin Tech | 1 |
Jump/Strength | 1 |
Stretch/Dance | 1 |
Choreography | 1 |
*Depending on group level
Registering for Camp
The on-line registration is easy to use and should take only a few minutes to complete. During the registration process, information such as name, birth date, level, arrival to and departure from campus, and payment form needs to be entered. Supplemental information such as Medical Information, Skater Video, Copy of Health Insurance Card, and Skater Photo are required before camp commences.
- You can pay your registration fee in full at the time of registration or you can choose a payment plan.
- The capacity of the camp is 100 skaters per week or 25 skaters per group. Skaters who register after the maximum capacity has been reached will be put on a waiting list and won’t be charged until a spot is open.
- Early Bird Discounts are eliminated as camp commencement approaches.
Registering for the Correct Level – Video Required
We require a short video from all skaters showing skating skills (think compulsory program) to ensure that each skater is placed in their correct level.
Videos must be under 3-minutes - with or without music
Videos must be continuous and unedited
- Videos are due by April 15
But we appreciate them as soon as possible so we can assign groups accordingly and move skaters off of the waitlist to officially registered for camp as spaces allow. - A link to submit your video will be included in the confirmation email you receive after you finish registration
- For ORANGE and RED groups, a video and IJS protocol sheet upload is required.
SSM Figure Skating Camp Management reserves the right to adjust levels as necessary.
What happens if a level change is made after registration?
- Any request to change Group Level must be made a minimum of a week before camp commences.
- A second video is required.
- The skater’s entire schedule will change.
- The skater may not receive all requested private lessons due to previous bookings.
- Skaters will have to re-register for private lessons. At that point, prime lessons may be filled.
- We will do our best to schedule lessons availability, but it is unlikely to receive private lessons from featured guest coaches.
Blue Group:
- No USFS Freestyle Test Required
- USFS Pre-Preliminary Freestyle test optional
- ISI Freestyle 3 or 4 optional
- Mastered a minimum of 3 single jumps including Loop
- Working on Axel
- Video: Program (with or without music) under 2 minutes consisting of 5 jumps, 1 step and 2 spins of a different nature.
- Required Elements: Waltz jump, single Salchow, single Toe Loop, single Loop jump, backspin.
Yellow Group:
- USFS Freestyle Test Required: Preliminary or Pre-Bronze
- ISI Freestyle 5 or 6
- Mastered single Axel and working on double jumps
- Video: Program (with or without music) under 2 minutes consisting of 5 jumps, 1 step and 2 spins of a different nature.
- Required Elements: Single Axel jump, single Axel combination or sequence, single Flip, single Lutz, step sequence, solo spin and combination spin.
Orange Group:
- USFS Freestyle Test Required: Bronze or Pre-Silver
- ISI Freestyle 6 or 7
- Mastered single Axel AND two double jumps and working on all remaining double jumps.
- Video: Program (with or without music) under 3 minutes consisting of 5-6 jumps, 1 step and 2 spins of a different nature.
- Required Elements: Axel Jump, double Salchow and optional double jump different from Salchow, step sequence, solo spin and combination spin.
- IJS protocol sheet upload required.
Red Group:
- USFS Freestyle Test Required: Silver, Pre-Gold or Gold
- ISI Freestyle 8, 9 or 10
- Mastered single Axel through double lutz
- Mastered or working on double Axel and triple jumps
- Video: Program (with or without music) 3:30-4:00 minutes consisting of 7 jumps, 1 step and 3 spins of a different nature.
- Required Elements: Axel Jump, double-double combination or sequence, double Loop, double Flip, double Lutz, step or choreographic sequence, solo spin and combination spin.
- IJS protocol sheet upload required
Videos are due by April 15, 2025*
A link to submit your video will be included in the confirmation email you receive after you finish registration.
Optional / Possible Additional Fees
- We have waived the fee of airport shuttle. Welcome to Minnesota Nice!
Unaccompanied Minor Airport Shuttle Fee
Saturday night stay-over between multiple weeks ($100.00 per Weekend – includes meals, activities, and supervision)
Rental of Linens, Pillow, or Fan
Check-in or Check-out outside of prescribed hours ($100.00)
Appointment with Edea representative (by appointment only)
Extra T-Shirt ($15.00) (One T-Shirt is included in the Registration Fee)
Lost Room Key Charge ($20.00)
Parent/Guest meals in Dining Hall ($10.00 per meal)
How much spending money does my skater need?
Three meals per day, plus dormitory boarding, are covered by your camp fee. The only extra money a skater might need is the money spent at the SSM school store (check out our school store on-line at http://www.ssmschoolstore.com), the Sabre Café (our rink snack bar) and, possibly, for off-campus trips where money is typically used for souvenirs and specialty food purchases. The average amount that a skater will use generally runs between $20 - $60.00/week. Some skaters spend no extra money at all. Cash is kept in the camp bank and distributed once each day at lunch. Money not used by the skater is returned when the skater departs camp.
Camp Bank
Most camps strongly encourage campers to deposit all money and valuables (ie cash, credit cards, passport, airline tickets) in a camp bank for your own security. You will be allowed to draw out cash at specified times each day. Campers may open an account with the camp bank at camp check-in. Deposit may be made by cash, check, or credit card. Please note there is an additional 3% service charge for credit cards. You will withdraw the remaining balance from your account on the final day of camp. By making use of the camp bank you eliminate the possibility of theft or loss of your money and valuables. There is no extra charge or service free for utilizing the camp bank during your stay.
Private Lessons
Private Lessons
While tuition includes all ice time, group lessons, and lectures (all skaters receive at least 2 group classes and an off-ice lecture from our Guest Coaches), private lessons are available for an additional fee. Fees for private lessons generally vary from between $35.00 - $70.00 per 20-minute session. Private lessons are scheduled during skaters’ Freestyle ice time and, while not mandatory, are highly recommended to maximize the skater’s training experience.
Private Lessons on Saturday: Campers staying over the weekend for week 2 and/or week 3 can take advantage of private lessons on Saturday. Campers checking out on Saturday are not eligible for private lesson on this day. There will be no exceptions to this policy.
Registering for Private Lessons
After you have completed the on-line registration process, you will receive a confirmation email. Lessons are scheduled on a first-come first-served basis and fill quickly. Private Lesson registration requests will open around March 15.
Can I Add / Change / Cancel Private Lessons after lesson registration is submitted?
The camp manager will try to accommodate change/addition requests as long as space is available in your skater’s group on the desired session. Private lesson sessions fill quickly and changes/additions are not always possible. Skaters who do not show-up for scheduled private lessons will be charged the full lesson fee.
- Once a lesson booked, there is a 14-day cancellation policy (from the date of the scheduled lesson).
- If a private lesson is cancelled within the 14-day period, you will be charged $20 for the lesson.
- Lessons that are cancelled due to illness/injury and with approval by Camp Manager and/or Director are not subject to a cancellation policy fee.
Multiple-Week Stays & Evening/Weekend Activites
Can skaters stay for multiple weeks?
Yes. During multiple-week stays, skaters benefit from our progressive training, which helps build skilled, conditioned, and well-rounded skaters by utilizing a technical, physical, and mental training approach.
How does the weekend stay-over work?
As the rest of the skaters check out of camp each Saturday, our multiple-week skaters continue with activities. Generally, after morning skate, Saturday is a day of relaxation with hiking, movies, and camp fires. Sundays are dedicated to field trips. Skaters will travel by bus to the local waterpark or movie theater. A $100.00 fee per weekend includes three meals per day and admission to activities. While the cost of admission to activities is included in the stay-over fee, skaters may wish to have additional spending monies. This money should be deposited by credit card into the skater’s camp bank account when you register.
Can my multiple-week skater check out of the dorm over the weekend?
Yes. Multiple-week skaters staying in the dormitory may want to visit, have meals, or stay with family or friends over the weekend. Skaters need to have permission from a Parent/Guardian and sign out/in with their counselor(s). Skaters must be back in the dorm Sunday by 8:30pm.
How are skaters transported?
Every morning, it is a short walk from the dormitory to the Dining Hall. Between the dining hall and the Ice Rink/Sports Complex, skaters walk (skaters will need an umbrella or rain poncho in the event of inclement weather). For short trips, the skaters are transported by camp vans or school buses that are driven by members of our SSM Staff who are appropriately licensed. Our drivers are trained and tested during staff orientation and certified by our insurance company before transporting skaters.
What do skaters do in the evening?
One of the highlights of each day is the evening activity! Every night features a different fun event!
What if my skater does not want attend the weekend or evening activities?
We will not force any skater to attend any activity against their wishes. However, if skaters do not join the field trip on Saturday, they must stay in the Dormitory lobby/lounge area on the first floor, under the supervision of counselors who will be helping new skaters settle into their dorm rooms.
Health Services
Medical Care
The Health Service on campus is equipped to handle routine health care needs. A nurse is available “on-call” daily. She is available at other times for consultation and emergencies. Also, there is an athletic trainer in residence. In the event that urgent medical care is needed, a hospital with a full-service emergency room is within five minutes by car. A major medical facility, the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, is one hour away by car.
NOTE: As prescribed by law, and by our responsibility for the personal welfare of each skater, the camp’s medical forms must be completed during registration and before the skater’s arrival on campus. If any required section is not completed, or if immunizations are not up-to-date, the camp reserves the right to cancel non-refundable reservations. Any skater with a chronic condition (i.e. asthma) requiring prescription medication, or a skater who has had a serious injury or illness in the past month, must have a physical exam and a letter from the examining physician okaying participation and explaining any limitations or treatments.
Proof of Health Insurance Coverage
We will need proof of health insurance coverage before your skater attends camp. In most cases that means uploading proof on our registration platform. Your skater will NOT be allowed to participate in any activities without proof of coverage.
*International Skaters: If your health insurance company is not USA-based, or does not have a USA office with a USA address, you will need to buy health insurance coverage through a private broker that will cover your skater for the duration of camp. Most travel policies / agencies offer a health insurance option for purchase.
Prescription and Over-the-Counter Medications
The Health Service Office is to be informed of any prescription drugs or on-going medical needs a skater may have. All prescription drugs (except asthma inhalers and epi-pens) will be kept by Health Services. The nurse will dispense medication twice daily. If a skater requires multiple doses, he/she will be responsible and must be comfortable taking doses at the appropriate times. All prescription medications need to be in the original LABELED bottle/box for the nurse to dispense. Legally, the nurse cannot dispense medications that are unlabeled. If the medication dosage is different than what is on the labeled prescription bottle/box, then a doctor’s written order needs to be given to the nurse upon arrival. *Over-the-counter medications are available upon request from the dorm parent, coach, or nurse. Please leave extra over-the-counter medications at home.
Eye Glasses
Skaters who wear glasses should bring an extra pair, if possible. One pair should be shatter-proof for athletic purposes. Skaters who wear contact lenses should also bring a pair of glasses.
Sunscreen Policy & Procedure
Although most of our day is spent indoors, we do have outdoor activities. We do everything possible to protect our skaters from excessive exposure to the sun, while still allowing them to get the most out of our outdoor games and activities.
Parents/guardians are encouraged to provide sunscreen for their skater to use during the camp day. Please discuss the importance of applying sunscreen correctly with your skater. Sunscreen sent to camp should be placed in a sealed plastic bag and labeled with the skater’s first and last name. Pursuant to the recommendations of the American Academy of Dermatology, Summer Training Camp is stocked with hypoallergenic sunscreen SPF 30+ with broad spectrum UVA/UVB protection. During the camp day, Camp Staff will take all reasonable and appropriate steps to help each skater apply sunscreen to exposed skin – including the face, tops of ears, and bare shoulders, arms, legs, & feet – prior to his / her participation in outdoor programs. Sunscreen will not be applied when skin is broken or an adverse skin reaction has been observed. Any skin reaction observed by staff will be reported to the heads of camp and/or camp nurse. If, for any reason, sunscreen cannot be applied to a skater when it is needed, for the skater’s own protection he / she may not be able to participate in certain outdoor activities.
Food, Allergies, & Special Dietary Requests
How is camp food?
Shattuck-St. Mary’s School prepares and serves healthful meals on a year-round basis. For those who enroll in our summer camp programs, this food service is fully included in the camp tuition. Our menus feature traditional hot breakfast, lunch, and dinner made with healthful and eco-responsible (organic if possible) ingredients. We furnish a variety of choices and try to provide vegetarian, gluten free, and dairy-free options at every meal. Our Saber Café is also open daily for the purchase of smoothies and snacks.
Please Note: Although all prepared meals and snacks are nut-free, we are not a “Nut-Free” campus. We ask you to check off the registration box regarding allergies and or special dietary needs.
Sample Weekly Menu
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Breakfast |
Breakfast |
Breakfast |
Breakfast |
Breakfast |
Canadian Bac. Sandwich |
Scrambled Eggs |
Poached Eggs |
Hard Broiled Eggs |
Egg Omelet |
Sunny Setup Eggs |
Sausage Links |
Bacon |
Ham |
Sausage Patties |
Sausage Links |
Home Fries |
Hash Browns |
Diced Potatoes |
Tri-Potatoes |
Skillet Potatoes |
Yogurt/Granola |
Yogurt/Granola |
Yogurt/Granola |
Yogurt/Granola |
Yogurt/Granola |
Wheat Bagels |
Fresh Fruit |
Wheat Bagels |
Fresh Fruit |
Wheat Bagels |
Cherrios/Kix Cereals |
Cherrios/Kix Cereals |
Cherrios/Kix Cereals |
French Toast |
Cinnamon Sticks |
Carrot/Bran Muffins |
Waffles |
English Muffin/Croissant |
Waffles |
Creamy Wheat |
Wheat Cinna. Toast |
Low Fat Breakfast Bread |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Chicken Noodle Soup |
Clear Chicken Broth |
Tomato Soup |
Beef Barley Soup |
Potato Salad |
Apple-Cranberry Salad |
Garden Salad |
Summer Pasta Salad |
Spinach Salad |
Fruit Salad |
Supreme Taco Salad |
Crudités |
Antipasto |
Mozzarella Salad |
Pulled Pork |
Veggie Wraps |
Breakfast Wrap |
Cheese & Crackers |
Turkey Caesar Wraps |
Hamburger |
Pita Bread |
Dinner Rolls |
Rosemary Focaccia |
Grilled Pita Chips |
Chicken Breast |
Peach Grilled Chicken |
Roasted Pork |
Grilled Ham and Cheese |
Chicken Stir-Fry |
Veggie Burgers |
Vegetable Lasagna |
Tofu Stir-Fry |
Grilled Cheese Sandwich |
Veggie Chow Fun |
Baked Beans |
Cheese Pizza |
Ravioli with Sauce |
Mac and Cheese |
Italian Calzone |
Chips |
White Rice |
Red Potatoes |
Asian Stir-Fry Rice |
Steamed Rice |
Rice Krispy Bars |
Vegetable Kabobs |
Steamed Green Beans |
Steamed Broccoli |
Mixed Vegetables |
Brownie Bits |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Dinner |
Chicken Noodle Soup |
Clear Chicken Broth |
Garden Vegetables |
Beef Barley Soup |
Pizza at the Sports Complex Sabre Café |
Greek Salad Pita |
Chips and Salsa |
Tuna Salad |
Caesar Salad |
Chocolate Chip Cookies |
Hummus |
Florentine Baguette |
Veggies and Dip |
Black Olive Bread |
Rice Krispie Treats |
Gyro Meat |
Pepperoni Pizza |
French Dip |
Moroccan Chicken |
Honey Glazed Ham |
Baked Chicken |
Asian Dumplings |
Salmon Teriyaki |
Pita Pocket |
Spinach Fettuccine |
Mini Buns |
Baked Sweet Potatoes |
Baked Potatoes |
Bread Sticks |
Croissants |
Moroccan Couscous |
Brown Rice |
White Rice |
Eggrolls |
White Rice |
Peas and Corn |
Grilled Vegetables |
Seasoned Bay Carrots |
California Blend Veggies |
Chocolate Pudding |
Vanilla Ice Cream |
Jello |
Italian Ice |
What if my skater has severe food allergies?
Parent/Guardian responsibilities concerning skaters with severe food allergies:
· Discuss your skater’s desire to attend camp with your health care professional to determine if camp is a possibility. It is the family’s responsibility to review with the child the information needed to manage the skater’s food allergy.
· For those children with extreme sensitivity to food allergens, strong consideration for a parent/guardian to attend camp with the skater must be discussed.
· Please understand that, in rare cases, it may be necessary for the camper to provide his/her own food for the duration of the camp.
Skater with severe allergies responsibilities:
· Never trade food with other campers.
· Never eat anything with unknown ingredients.
· Read every label and check any questionable ingredients with a parent, guardian, or adult camp leader.
· Be proactive in the management of any reaction. Immediately seek help if a reaction is suspected. Tell an adult if a reaction seems to be starting, even if there are no visible symptoms of an allergic response.
If the skater is unable to perform any of these responsibilities, a parent/guardian should attend camp with the skater. Please see housing options in FAQ Section 20.
Upon arrival at camp: During registration check-in the parent/guardian and skater will meet with a camp manager, camp nurse, and the camp food service director. The meetings will review the specific food allergies, symptoms, typical reaction, and treatment. All information regarding your skater’s allergy, including directions from the doctor regarding medication, should be given in writing to the camp nurse, camp manager, and food service director.
Medication: Provide adequate amounts of unexpired medication. Keep in mind that additional medication may be necessary based on the activities planned for the skater. Review the medication, including the written directions and proper use with camp nurse and camp manager. All prescription medications need to be in the original LABELED bottle/box for the nurse to dispense. Legally, the nurse cannot dispense medications that are unlabeled. If the medication dosage is different than what is on the labeled prescription bottle/box, then a doctor’s written order needs to be given to the nurse upon arrival.
What if my skater has special dietary requests?
Our daily menu offers a variety of choices and we try to provide vegetarian, gluten free, and dairy-free options at every meal. If you would like to request that special meals be prepared for your skater, you will need to provide a medical diagnosis and signed letter from a physician indicating the medical reason for this request. Our health services department will need to approve the request (please understand that the doctor’s note is not an automatic “yes”).
Is outside food allowed in the dormitory?
Skaters are allowed to bring food from home or from the dining hall and keep it in their dorm room. Outside food must not be eaten anywhere except in the skater’s own room. Food should not be shared with other skaters. Food should be stored properly and garbage put in hallway trash containers.
Dormitory Life
Can my child have his/her own room?
One of the values of dormitory life includes learning to appreciate and get along with others. In this regard, all skaters in the Summer Programs should expect to have a roommate (or roommates) for the duration of the summer session.
Can I request that my child room with a friend?
While completing the on-line registration form, you will find a roommate request section. This does not constitute a guarantee, but will increase the chances that friends will room together.
How many skaters are assigned to a room?
Dorm rooms house 2 - 4 skaters. Dorm rooms are combined into units that are supervised by counselors. A resident adult dorm parent oversees the counselors and is available during the evening and all night.
How are dorm rooms assigned?
The rooming of skaters is very important. We try to make sure that skaters are assigned to dorm rooms that promote the formation of friendships and result in positive camp experiences. Skaters are roomed according to age, grade, and camp skating level. In most cases, rooms are composed of skaters enrolled for the same level. Our goal is to have roommates begin and end their camp experience together.
We try to assign new skaters to dorm rooms with at least one skater who has attended camp in previous years. The sharing that occurs is important for both the new kids and the returning kids. Returning skaters take great pride in “showing the ropes” to the new skaters, and new skaters acclimatize faster when they have the benefit of living with “seasoned” skaters.
What are the dorm rooms like?
The combination of new and traditional dormitories bring historic buildings of almost 175 years old. Dorm rooms are very basic and designed to accommodate 2 to 4 skaters comfortably. Flooring and furniture has been upgraded in the last several years, but there is no air conditioning in most dorms. Shared “bathroom” facilities are provided on each floor. The beds are single size long. *Please note that standard size sheets may be too short. Skaters are provided a dresser for personal belongings and a small closet area to hang clothes. Girl’s and boy’s dorm rooms are located in different floors/areas of the dormitory.
Dormitory Expectations
The basic rule for dorm life is cooperation, a mutual respect for the rights and sensitivities of others. Such consideration includes: respect for the other person’s culture and habits, personal property, and the right to sleep. Every skater is expected to support these rules of cooperation and mutual respect as a contributing member of our residential program.
All members of the community are expected to respect their environment, as well as the property of others. Each skater is expected to prevent litter in the hallways and on sidewalks and make judicious use of appropriate storage areas for his/her belongings.
Candles, incense, etc. are not allowed in the dormitories because of the fire hazard. Shattuck-St. Mary’s is a smoke-free environment and, as such, no skater is allowed to smoke or use Ecigs. Chewing tobacco is also not permitted. Parents and guests are asked to refrain from tobacco use while on campus.
What time do skaters wake up and go to bed?
Skaters wake up as early as 6:00am for optional freestyles. Depending on schedules, skaters can possibly sleep until 7:00am. Evening activities typically end at about 8:30pm, which is when skaters return to their dorm rooms. Senior skaters (15 years and older) may return to their dorm rooms as late as 10:00pm.
Room Inspections
Skaters are responsible for maintaining the appearance and cleanliness of their rooms. Beds are to be made daily. Clothing and other possessions should be neatly arranged. Skaters should also be sure to keep their doors locked when not in their dorm rooms. The school reserves the right to have access to all rooms, at all times, in the interest, safety, and well-being of each member of the community.
Electrical Appliances
Fans, Radios, clocks, stereos, lamps, hair dryers, curling irons, and heating pads are permitted in skater rooms and should be used with care. Television sets, refrigerators, irons, air conditioners, cooking equipment, hot pots, or large musical amplifiers are not permitted in skater rooms and should not be brought to campus. Because music will carry in dorm halls and outside of the building, and ultimately can be disruptive to others, music should be audible ONLY in the room in which it is being played; headphones / ear-buds are encouraged.
How do you monitor skater hygiene?
Skaters are supervised daily for proper grooming and cleanliness by their counselors. Skaters are required to take a daily shower and brush their teeth twice a day. Periodic wellness assessments are made by the infirmary staff to confirm good health. On sunny days skaters are checked for the application of sunscreen.
Are there laundry facilities?
Skaters need to launder their own clothes. Residential equipment is located in the dormitories, and counselors will assist, if necessary. Use of the washers and dryers is free of charge.
Fire Drills/Safety
During each week of camp, we will perform a fire drill for skaters to practice the safest route in the event of an emergency. Dorm Parents, Staff, and Counselors are well-versed in all safety procedures, including weather issues.
Parents in the Dormitories
Part of the camp experience is learning independence and self-reliance. We recommend that parents limit their time in the dormitories to a minimum.
· Except during check-in (Sundays from 12:30pm to 4:30pm), parents are NOT allowed past the lobby area. This includes the laundry facilities.
· Parents must not be in the dormitory after 7:30pm.
Behavioral Expectations, Dress Code, and Discipline Policies
Behavioral Expectations
Summer Training Camp participants have the right to enjoy a positive community experience. Accordingly, all skaters are expected to follow and support SSM Summer Training Camp Program expectations at all times. Behaviors or language that is perceived by the SSM staff to be disrespectful, hurtful, unsafe, or threatening may result in dismissal from the program. This includes any behaviors that the Summer Training Camp administration believes undermines the Summer Training Camp’s ability to best serve the needs of our participants.
All supervisors, counselors, and skaters will discuss, and agree to:
a. Use kind words
b. Listen when someone else is talking
c. Follow transition routines
d. Respect personal space and property
e. Respect school property
f. Try new things
g. Be inclusive of others
h. Take responsibility for actions
i. Have fun!
Dress Code
We have developed the following dress code to assure that no one will feel offended or uncomfortable during his/her stay. If a camper chooses to dress inappropriately, he/she will be asked to change or wear a camp-issued T-shirt. The following dress code will be enforced for all individuals attending camp:
· All clothing shall be neat, clean, modest, and in good repair.
· Articles of clothing which display profanity, slogans which promote tobacco, alcohol, drugs, sex, advertise gang symbols or affiliation, or are in any other way distracting or offensive, are prohibited.
· Items of clothing which expose undergarments, bare midriffs, bare chests, or that are transparent (see-through) are prohibited.
· Swimsuits for men: swim trunks only (no shorts or cut-off pants).
· Swimsuits for women: One-piece suits are recommended. However, two-piece suits are allowed as long as they are modestly cut. No string, thong, or crochet suits will be allowed.
· Swimsuits may only be worn during swimming activities. ALL skirts and shorts (skating dresses excluded) must be as long as the longest finger when hands are placed to the camper’s side, unless the camper is wearing leggings. In all circumstances the camp director and/or camp manager retain the final authority to determine, at their discretion, whether a camper is in compliance with the dress code. If a dress code violation is a modesty issue, the camper will be required to change their attire.
· Please also see FAQ Section 13.1 on “Skating Attire”.
Discipline Philosophy
Shattuck-St. Mary’s Summer Training Camp staff uses positive guidance techniques including logical or natural consequences applied in problem situations, redirection of skaters to more acceptable behavior, and encouragement of appropriate behavior rather than comparison, competition, or criticism. Consistent and clear rules are established. Staff members encourage skaters to solve problems, rather than imposing solutions. Our counselors help skaters recognize and respect one another’s feelings. Counselors encourage cooperation, helping, taking turns, and constructive verbal communication to solve problems. The goal is to help skaters internalize rules and become self-directed in their behavior.
Shattuck-St. Mary’s Summer Training Camp reserves the right to dismiss a skater for consistent behavior that makes it difficult or impossible for the staff to meet his/her needs and/or the needs of other skaters in the group. This will occur without a refund (or portion thereof) or credit towards a future program. This will occur only after parent/staff discussion has occurred.
Disciplinary Action
If skaters are observed demonstrating actions outside the boundaries of agreed-upon behavior, the following steps should occur:
a. A counselor or supervisor on the scene will speak directly to the skater about their behavior.
b. The skater’s direct counselor or supervisor will be notified.
c. The skater’s direct counselor/supervisor, if not already involved, will speak directly to the skater and keep a record (Incident Report) of the behavior and follow-through.
d. Should a parent need notification about the skater, the counselor/supervisor will copy and convey all communication to the Director of Figure Skating and the Camp Manager who will notify the parent.
First-Time Skaters, Homesickness, & Supervision
What should I know about a child’s first-time camp experience?
Getting ready for a first-time camp experience can make a child nervous and apprehensive. Questions frequently asked include, “Are the counselors nice? Will I make friends? Will I feel at home?” As directors and managers of SSM Training Camp, it’s our responsibility to make sure that the answers to these questions are always ‘‘yes!’’ It takes a lot of time and effort to find counselors and coaches who will meet the needs and expectations of our skaters. It also takes time and tremendous preparation to ensure that the summer program is both interesting and stimulating for our skaters. However, when it comes to helping a homesick child tackle the hurdles of being away from home, it takes more. This requires special experience and sensitivity.
Our expertise in providing first-time skaters with successful summers stems in part from our many years of experience working with children in the camp setting. It’s also our personal approach and commitment to the happiness of our skaters that makes a difference. Individual attention is sometimes required to help in tough cases. Our entire camp staff is recruited and trained with this skater’s need in mind. We are committed to the happiness of our children, and we stand ready to offer the special attention required by first-time campers.
What if my child is homesick?
Even seasoned skaters sometimes get homesick. It’s natural to miss home, and all of our staff members are trained to identify the telltale signs of homesickness and help the skater get through a rough patch. Everyone, from our counselors to our Olympic guest coaches, understands that the most important goal of the summer is the skater’s happiness and personal growth.
Parents/Guardians will be informed of their skater’s adjustment at camp by the camp manager & the dorm parent upon request. Camp counselors meet with each of their skaters several times during the day and keep especially close tabs on first-time skaters.
What if my child doesn’t know anyone?
It’s not uncommon for a first-time skater to come to camp without a friend from home. Many children come to camp to make new friends! And it doesn’t take long….sometimes only a minute or two! We’ve got a lot of outgoing kids and staff members at camp. Returning skaters take a lot of pride in their knowledge of camp and can’t wait to share what’s going to happen next! Staff members are trained in methods of engaging kids and helping reticent skaters become active participants. SSM is a friendly place, and it’s easy to make friends. It’s apparent in the welcome signs you’ll see on the first day, and the smiles that will greet you as you enter the Sports Complex. “Welcome to Figure Skating Camp!”
How are the skaters supervised during the day?
Junior skaters (10 and younger) are closely supervised by their counselor(s) – day and night. During the day, all skaters are required to participate in the camp’s program and travel to activities according to their individualized schedules. As skaters travel from one activity to another, they are supervised by counselors. Skaters are checked in and out of activity sites by instructors. Activity attendance is required.
How are the skaters supervised at night?
The counselors prepare and supervise a variety of evening activities at the dormitory. While skaters do not need to participate, they are gently encouraged to do so. After the evening activities, counselors supervise the skaters as they get ready for bed. After lights out, the counselors remain at the dormitory. In addition to counselor coverage, our camp’s adult dorm parent is scheduled for night duty and confirms that all is well by visiting the rooms up until 11:00pm. At 11:00pm the dorm parent returns to their quarters (located in the dormitory) and counselors to their rooms, which are within hearing distance of skater’s rooms. All skaters know where their counselor’s rooms are located and can knock on their counselor’s doors at any time with any problem. Our full-time SSM security guard locks the exterior doors and patrols the exterior campus throughout the night. If exterior doors are opened from the inside or outside after 11:00pm, an alarm alerts the security guard, dorm parent, and counselors.
How does the camp ensure the safety of skaters?
Safety always comes first at SSM Camps. Our risk-management manuals address the operation of every program and facility where skaters could potentially get hurt. These manuals delineate required supervision levels, equipment checks, and operating guidelines to ensure the safe participation of all skaters.
Safety procedures are an integral part of every daily activity. Every activity is staffed by instructors with confirmed skills and documented training. All activity equipment is the very best available and designed to assure the maximum safety of our skaters. Safety procedures for each activity are carefully reviewed with skaters prior to participation, and all safety procedures are strictly enforced.
Skaters and staff are trained to recognize and respond to signals in case of an emergency. Emergency procedures are practiced by way of drills held early in every session. We train our staff in first aid and CPR during the staff orientation period. We also train staff members in the proper use of fire extinguishers (attached to every building). Dorms are locked during the day and can only be accessed by authorized SSM personel.
Mail, Communication, Cell Phones, & Photos
Packages & Letters should be mailed to:
Shattuck-St. Mary’s Figure Skating Camp
Skater’s Name
1000 Shumway Avenue
Faribault, MN 55021
Please mail letters & packages early (Monday or earlier) as mail can take up to four days. Many parents start mailing letters & packages even before skaters leave for camp. Mail is distributed each day at lunch.
We ask that daily communication be made by the skater calling home, rather than home trying to call the skater. Emergency messages by calling the Figure Skating office 507-333-1563 during regular business hours. Setting up a predetermined calling time based on the skater’s schedule works well.
What is your cell-phone policy?
We have a “semi no cell-phone” policy at camp. Please discuss this policy with your skater and, as always, we invite you to call or email us if you have any questions or concerns about any of these issues.
· Personal cell phone use is limited to the hours of 7pm – 8:30pm (CST) daily. (Skaters traveling from overseas should make arrangements to have skater’s cell phone kept in Camp Manager’s office).
· Phones are returned to skaters on Friday morning so that skaters can take photos throughout the day and during the Friday Exhibition. Phones are not allowed in locker rooms at any time.
· Skaters may keep their cell phones over the weekend. Counselors collect phones on Sunday at 8:30pm.
· Camp Counselors will secure phones outside the listed times.
· In the case that immediate parent contact is required, skaters may request the use of the camp phone.
What’s the best way to communicate with my skater?
The best way to communicate with your skater is by cell phone during the specified cell phone hours
(7pm – 8:30pm CST daily). Skaters also enjoy getting letters and cards from home. Please mail letters and packages early (Monday or earlier) as mail can take up to four days. Many parents start mailing letters and packages even before skaters leave for camp. Mail is distributed every day during lunch
Can I view photos of my skater at camp?
We try to post photos of skaters regularly during the summer. While we can’t guarantee that you’ll see your skater, we do our best to make sure everyone’s photo is taken and posted on the SSM Figure Skating Instagram.
Photography Policy
Images of Summer Program participants may be taken and used in Summer Program publications, including the school’s website, Facebook page, and blog.
Parents Observing Skaters During Camp
Can parents / friends / family members observe their skaters during camp?
Yes, with some caveats. Parents may observe all on-ice sessions from the stands (NO parents are allowed on the ice, in the locker rooms, in the hallway outside the locker rooms, or in the area that coaches teach from). Parents are also not allowed in any of the off-ice classes due to space limitations.
TRANSPORTATION if Staying at a Hotel: If you plan to stay at a local hotel, YOU WILL NEED TO HAVE A CAR FOR TRANSPORTATION. Even if you will be staying at the Inn at Shattuck-St. Mary’s, it is still suggested you have a car for transportation. The campus is large and the downtown area and shopping is quite a distance from the campus.
Can parents/friends/family members eat meals in the dining hall during camp?
Parents/friends/family may eat in the Dining Hall for $10.00/meal. Guests are on the honor system and will pay dining fees to the camp manager or head counselor.
Packing/What to Bring
Skating Attire
*All items brought to camp should be labeled with skater’s first and last names. Skaters should wear appropriate figure skating attire. Coaches need to see a skater’s body alignment to give proper advice and feedback about technique, so form-fitting clothing that allows for movement is recommended. Girls should wear stretchable, form-fitting pants with an athletic top, or a skating dress with tights and/or leggings for practice. A snug sweatshirt or jacket can be worn over skating attire. Boys should wear athletic pants, long- or short-sleeved shirt, and form-fitting sweater/jacket. Skaters should also bring attire for running, jumping, and off-ice classes. Closed-toe athletic shoes are recommended. Do not wear sandals or flip flops. Do not wear baggy “hoodie” sweatshirts or jackets.
What should my skater bring to camp?
· Cell phone (to be secured by counselor outside of specified usage times)
· Light jacket or sweatshirt, rain gear (hooded poncho & collapsible umbrella), cap/hat, one pair of long pants or sweats
· Skating equipment:
o Skates, guards, new and extra laces
o Skating apparel (practice attire and exhibition/competition attire – we host an exhibition every Friday!)
o Sweater, gloves, tights and/or pants
o Music – Must be uploaded - more detail will be provided prior to arrival
o Water bottle
· Casual clothing (dress code – FAQ’s - 9.3)
· Good pair of athletic shoes
· Ballet, Jazz, or dance shoes (closed-toed athletic shoes are acceptable)
· Swimsuit/beach towel (for weekend stays)
· Bedside flashlight (optional)
· Soap, deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, toiletries, waterproof flip-flops for showering, shower caddy, robe (bathroom facilities are not located in the dorm rooms. Campers should have a robe or cover-up to walk to bathrooms)
· Bath towel, pillow, & twin-size (XL) sheets w/ blanket (or sleeping bag). (Sheets, blanket, and towel may be rented, and new pillow purchased when registering. *RECOMMENDED! Bring extra-long twin fitted sheet even if renting a linen package)
· Laundry bag. Washers & dryers are located in dorm and free of charge. Detergent is provided.
· Alarm clock (highly recommended as cell phones will be secured at night)
· Fan (optional, but highly recommended) (A fan can be purchased when registering)
· Extension cord (optional, but recommended)
· Sunscreen & bug spray (we provide both, but you may have specific preferences)
· Extra set of glasses or contacts
· NO scooters, rollerblades, bicycles, valuables, laptops, TV’s, personal computers, cameras, or electronics w/ cameras, space heaters, or refrigerators. We are not responsible for lost articles
Camp Bank, Sabre Cafe, School Store
Camp Bank
We strongly encourage skaters to deposit all money in the Camp Bank. (Airline tickets & passports will be secured by the Camp Manager separately at check-in). “How much extra cash do skaters need?” This is a common question, and how much is really up to you. We suggest checking out our school store to help anticipate larger purchases http://www.ssmschoolstore.com. Skaters can withdraw money from the camp bank each day at lunch. On average, skaters spend between $10 and $50 per week. Some skaters spend no extra money at all (really! – It’s not as uncommon as you might think!).
Since the camp covers admission to special trips, transportation, supplies, and meals, money is typically used for souvenirs, SSM clothing, and specialty food purchases, i.e. ice cream/smoothies. Money not used by the skater is returned when the skater departs camp.
Campers may open an account with the camp bank at camp check-in. Deposit may be made by cash, check or credit card (there is an additional 3% service charge for credit cards). You will withdraw the remaining balance from your account on the final day of camp. You will be able to add money to your skater’s camp bank account as necessary by contacting the camp manager at fsadmin@s-sm.org.
By making use of the Camp Bank, you reduce the possibility of theft or loss of your skater’s spending money. There is no extra charge or service fee for utilizing the Camp Bank during your stay. Camp Bank monies left in bank at the end of your stay will only be returned at check-out @ SSM. No monies will be returned by check or mailed.
School Store
One of the most undeniably popular spots on campus is the School Store, located in Dobbin Hall near the mailroom. The School Store offers a range of school supplies, drinks and snacks, and clothing and gift items that can also be purchased on-line http://www.ssmschoolstore.com. It is open every day at lunch and from 11:00am to 1:00pm on Saturday.
Camp Location, Driving Directions, and Air Travel
Where is the SSM Figure Skating Training Camp located?
Shattuck-St. Mary’s School (SSM), founded in 1858, is located in Faribault, Minnesota, about 50 minutes south of the Twin Cities of Minneapolis/St. Paul and the MSP International Airport.
· Main Entrance, Main Office, Admissions, Dining Hall, Health Services, Upper School Dormitories: 1000 Shumway Ave., Faribault, MN 55021
· Sports Complex, Figure Skating Offices (Check-in): Shumway Avenue ¼ mile North of the Main Entrance
· St. Mary’s Hall Dormitory: 300 NE 5th St., Faribault, MN 55021 (¼ mile South of Main Entrance off Shumway Ave.)
How do skaters get to camp?
Many skaters arrive by car. For those skaters traveling alone by air, round-trip shuttle transportation is available from the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport (MSP). Skaters traveling by air will be met by an SSM staff member at the airport and escorted to camp.
· If skaters are arriving/departing by air accompanied by their parents, parents will need to arrange alternate transportation. Parents are NOT allowed to ride on the SSM shuttle.
Driving Directions from the North:
Take I-35 south to Faribault, approximately 45 minutes south of Minneapolis/St. Paul. Use the second Faribault exit (Exit 56), which is also Highway 60. Take Highway 60 East. Continue on Highway 60 through the city of Faribault and veer right onto 1st Avenue NE. Turn left on 3rd Street NE which turns into Ravine Street. Turn left on Shumway Avenue. On Shumway Avenue, continue for approximately ½ mile. (You will pass the main entrance to the school, which is on the left at the top of a small rise in the road.) The Ice Arena/Sports Complex is about ¼ mile past the main entrance. This is where your skater will check in. Please note: The main address of the school (1000 Shumway Avenue, Faribault, MN 55021) is NOT where you check in. Check-in between 12:30pm – 3:30pm at the Sports Complex, which is ¼ mile north of the main entrance drive.
Directions from the South:
Take I-35 north to Faribault. Use the second Faribault exit (Exit 56), which is also Highway 60. Take Highway 60 East. Continue on Highway 60 through the city of Faribault and veer right onto 1st Avenue NE. Turn left on 3rd Street NE which turns into Ravine Street. Turn left on Shumway Avenue. On Shumway Avenue, continue for approximately ½ mile. (You will pass the main entrance to the school, which is on the left at the top of a small rise in the road.) The Ice Arena/Sports Complex is about ¼ mile past the main entrance. This is where your skater will check in. Please note: The main address of the school (1000 Shumway Avenue, Faribault, MN 55021) is NOT where you check in. Check-in between 12:30pm – 3:30pm at the Sports Complex, which is ¼ mile north of the main entrance drive.
Air Travel & Unaccompanied Minors
We understand parents’ concerns about children traveling alone, and we take this seriously. Shattuck-St. Mary’s is a boarding school, and we are experienced in handling travel, with the safety of your skater as a priority.
VERY IMPORTANT information concerning UNACCOMMPANIED MINORS! The designation “Unaccompanied Minor” is through the airline – it is NOT an SSM designation. If your child is NOT flying as an unaccompanied minor through your booked airline, do NOT pay the SSM unaccompanied minor fee as our staff will NOT be able to go to the gate to pick up or drop off your child. Your airline will have an unaccompanied minor procedure and fee. Each airline may have different fees and requirements. You will need to inform them of your situation at the time you purchase your ticket. Many airlines will ask that you list a pick-up/drop-off person at the time you purchase your unaccompanied minor ticket. Please list: Racquel Rott, 1000 Shumway Avenue, Faribault, MN 55021, 507-333-5387.
Approximately one week prior to camp commencement, we will email the actual pick-up person and you will need to notify your airline if there is a change.
Skaters Arriving at MSP Airport (Sunday) and needing transportation to camp on the SSM shuttle
· Flight arrival must be on Sunday between 9:30am and 2:30pm (an additional $100.00 fee will be charged for skaters arriving before or after the specified travel times).
· An SSM employee will meet the airline chaperone and/or your skater upon arrival at baggage claim. After collecting baggage, your skater will take the shuttle to the SSM campus. * Remember – parents are not allowed to take the shuttle and must arrange for alternative transportation.
· Please make sure that your skater has enough travel money to purchase food at the airport or at the Sabre Café when they are checking into camp. Dinner is the only meal that is provided on Sunday.
Departing from MSP Airport (Saturday)
· Flight departure must be on Saturday between 10:30am and 3:30pm (an additional $100.00 fee will be charged for skaters leaving before or after the specified travel times). If skaters are NOT unaccompanied minors, and their flight is later than 3:30pm, the $100.00 fee will be waived if they are willing to take an early shuttle and wait at the airport until their flight boards.
· The SSM Shuttle will pick skaters up at US Dormitory Entrance.
· An SSM employee will escort UNACCOMPANIED MINORS to the gate & wait with them until the plane has taken off. *Remember – the designation “Unaccompanied Minor” is through the airline – it is NOT an SSM designation. If your child is NOT flying as an unaccompanied minor through your booked airline, do NOT pay the SSM Unaccompanied Minor fee.
· Please make sure that skaters have enough money to purchase food while they are traveling. SSM Figure Skating Camp will provide breakfast only. However, if skaters must leave campus before 8:00am to catch a flight, they should plan on buying breakfast at the airport.
Sunday Check-In Procedures
Where does my skater check in?
· Skaters check in at the SSM Sports Complex.
· Parents/Skaters driving to camp Please note: The main address of the school (1000 Shumway Avenue, Faribault, MN 55021) is NOT where you check in. Check-in is at the Sports Complex which is ¼ mile north of the main entrance drive.
· Skaters flying alone to camp will be met by the SSM shuttle at the airport & be brought directly to the SSM Sports Complex. Many airlines will ask that you list a pick-up/drop-off person if you purchase an Unaccompanied Minor ticket. Please list: Racquel Rott, 1000 Shumway Avenue, Faribault, MN 55021, 507-333-5387. Approximately one week prior to camp commencement, we will email the actual pick-up person and you will need to notify your airline if there is a change. Flight arrival must be on Sunday between 9:30am and 2:30pm (an additional $100.00 fee will be charged for skaters arriving before or after the specified travel times).
During check-in skaters will:
o Meet with the school nurse
o Receive Welcome-Information Packet, Camp T-shirt(s), and Lanyard with Name Tag.
o Drop their skate bag in their designated locker room
o During check-in, skaters may also deposit money into camp bank, arrange to have skates sharpened, arrange skate fitting appointments, and check on private lesson availability.
What time should my skater check in?
· Skaters should check in at the SSM Sports Complex on Sunday between 12:30pm – 3:30pm.
· Skaters will not be allowed to check in early.
· Skaters arriving on campus after 3:30pm should contact Camp Manager, (507) 333-1563 or fsadmin@s-sm.org for alternate arrangements and instructions. Skaters checking in late will incur a $100.00 late check-in fee.
What should my skater bring to check-in?
Skaters should bring:
· Passports and travel documents (for those skaters arriving/departing by air). They will be kept securely by the Camp Manager.
· Health Insurance Card or proof of insurance, if you haven’t already provided us with a copy. Your skater will not be able to participate in any camp activities until we have proof of insurance.
· Medicines, prescriptions, and any written health instructions to be given to the Camp Nurse. All prescriptions and medicines should be in their original containers.
· Any extra money for your skater’s camp bank (this would be additional money to the amount that you indicated during registration and, which will be waiting for your skater upon arrival). Extra money should be cash.
· Skates, skating attire, and skate bag, to be put in the assigned locker room right after check-in.
When does my skater settle into his/her dorm room?
Between 12:45pm – 3:30pm, after your skater has completed check-in at the Sports Complex, he/she will head over to their assigned dorm on the Upper School campus.
At the Dormitory:
· Your skater will be met by our Dorm Parent and Counselors
· Those skaters who requested a linens package while registering on-line will receive their linens/blanket/towels.
· Those skaters who requested a new pillow and/or fan while registering on-line will receive them.
· Counselors will escort skaters to their dorm rooms to unpack and settle in. *This is the only time that parents are allowed past the lobby area of the dorm.
Orientation – 4:00 - 4:45 pm
At 3:30pm, after your skater has unpacked and settled into his/her dorm room, skaters and counselors will meet in their respective dorms and walk as a group to Shumway Hall (the building with the clock tower) and gather in the beautiful Shattuck-St. Mary’s Newhall Auditorium for orientation (parents are welcome, but not required to join us). It is very important for all skaters to attend orientation. A lot of information will be shared, staff will be introduced, and skaters will meet their counselors.
Orientation will run between 45 minutes and an hour. After orientation, skaters and their respective counselors will form into groups and head to dinner. Skaters with 5:00 pm and 5:20 pm lessons will be escorted to the rink by counselors. We request that parents leave at this time.
Welcome Dinner – 5:00pm
Friday Exhibition & Early Check-Out Procedures
FAD (Fridays Are Different)
Fridays are exciting days at camp. Skater’s cell phones are returned Friday morning and skaters are encouraged to record their experiences and take picture of new friends as lasting mementos! Cell phones, however, may NOT be used or taken into locker rooms. Skaters boarding over the weekend may keep their cell phones until Sunday night when they will return cell phones to their counselors at 9:00pm.
Friday Exhibition
Lights, Camera, Action! Every Friday evening, from 4:00pm – 6:30pm (times are subject to change), SSM hosts an exhibition. This is one of our skaters’ favorite events, and everyone is proud to show off what they’ve learned during the week. Parents, family, and friends are encouraged to attend and applaud their skater’s accomplishments! The exhibition is not mandatory, but it’s a lot of fun and we encourage our skaters to participate – if not on the ice, then as supportive (and loud) audience members! A sign-up sheet will be posted in the hallway outside the locker rooms Wednesday morning. Skaters will have until 3:00pm on Thursday to sign up.
· Skaters will perform one program – Short Program, Free Skate Program, or an Exhibition Program.
· Skaters may instead perform a group number that they may prepare during the week.
Skaters will need:
· Exhibition costume(s)
Friday Pizza Party at the Sports Complex!
Every Friday evening, after the exhibition, we celebrate our skaters’ successes with a pizza party in the SSM Sports Complex lobby. SSM’s pizza is terrific, and our chocolate chip cookies are amazing!
* Parents, family, and friends are welcome to join us for a pizza dinner.
Friday (Early) Check-Out Procedures
We understand that some skaters may need to check out on Friday. We would prefer that skaters check out on Saturday. Friday is a big day, and checking out early may cause your skater to miss lessons and activities. If a skater misses scheduled private lessons, a refund will not be issued.
The skater WILL be able to skate in the exhibition if they check out on Friday.
If it’s absolutely necessary that your skater check out on Friday, please observe the following instructions.
· Please contact our camp manager by Wednesday, to let us know that you will be checking out early.
o Our camp manager will contact the school nurse, who will bring all medications to the Figure Skating Office at the SSM Sports Complex on Friday after medications are distributed during breakfast.
o Our camp manager will also notify your skater’s counselors, who will make sure your skater packs his/her belongings on Thursday evening, returns any rented linens, and has luggage in the dormitory lobby before breakfast on Friday morning. We will transport your skater’s luggage to the Sports Complex where it will be waiting for pick-up in the hallway just outside the camp manager’s office.
· Parents/Guardians/authorized drivers should meet the skater and counselor at the SSM Sports Complex between 1:30pm and 3:00pm to pick up the skater's luggage. We will not check anyone out after 3:00pm. Upon arrival, parents/guardians/authorized drivers will take custody of the skater's belongings. The skater will not be permitted to return to the dorm. Skater will clean out his/her locker room area before the exhibition. The skater may not participate in any activities after the exhibition has ended and must leave after it is over.
Please note: Parents are not allowed in locker rooms or in the hallway outside the locker rooms.
o IMPORTANT! – Please have your Driver’s License with you for camper check-out. Make sure you are listed as the person authorized to pick up your skater. (You will have provided this information when you registered for camp. If the pick-up person has changed from the person you indicated when you registered on-line, please let the camp manager fsadmin@s-sm.org know ASAP.)
o When your skater arrives at the office, they will turn in their dorm room key. Keys may not be left with counselors or you will be charged a $20.00 lost key fee.
o You will collect any money left in the camp bank.
o You will collect any medications.
Saturday Check-Out Procedures
What time should parents/guardians arrive to check their skater out?
Check out is between 8:30am–11:00am on Saturday. Skaters who check out after 11:00am will incur a $100.00 late fee.
Saturday check-out procedures for skaters leaving by air and taking the SSM shuttle
Skaters departing by air, and using the SSM shuttle service to the airport, will not be able to skate on Saturday morning. They will clean their locker rooms out and all belongings on Friday evening after the Exhibition. Skaters will check out 3½ hours before their flight is scheduled to depart with the camp manager in the lobby of the dormitory. Our Camp Mangers will make sure skaters:
· Take their remaining money from camp bank
· Have all travel documents, tickets, and passports
· Are given their medications
· Skaters will turn in their dorm room keys (there is a $20.00 lost key charge) and any rented linens
Flight departure must be on Saturday between 10:30am and 3:30pm (an additional $100.00 fee will be charged for skaters leaving before or after the specified travel times).
Skaters should be completely packed, checked-out, and waiting at least 15 minutes before the shuttle is scheduled to depart. Skater’s counselors will help organize departures and keep skaters informed of departure times. The SSM shuttle will pick skaters and luggage up at their dorm. The shuttle driver will drop skaters off at the curbside entrance for their airline. Please see below for Unaccompanied Minors instructions....
UNACCOMPANIED MINORS – An SSM registered chaperone will escort Unaccompanied Minors directly to their gate and stay with them until their flight takes off. *REMEMBER – the term “Unaccompanied Minor” is an AIRLINE designation only. You should not pay the SSM unaccompanied minor fee or expect this service if your child is not registered as an Unaccompanied Minor with the airline. We understand that many airlines require that you list a drop-off person at the time you book your flight. Please list: Racquel Rott, 1000 Shumway Avenue, Faribault, MN 55021, 507-333-5387. Approximately, one week prior to departure, we will email the actual drop-off person and you can let your airline know if there is a change.
Saturday check-out procedures for skaters leaving by car
Parents should come to the dormitory between 8:30am and 11:00am on Saturday to pick up their skater. Please let your skater know when to expect you. He/she will be waiting in the Dormitory lobby with their packed belongings. Remember – parents are not allowed past the dormitory lobby. You will check-out with Camp Manager in the lobby of the dormitory.
IMPORTANT! – Please have your Driver’s License with you for check-out. Make sure you are listed as the person authorized to pick up your skater. (You will have provided this information when you registered on-line for camp
Our camp manager will make sure that skaters:
· Collect any remaining money from the camp bank
· Collect their medications
· Skaters will also turn in their dorm room keys (there is a $20.00 lost key charge) and any rented linens
After checking out at the Dormitory, you may go to the Sports Complex to pick up skating gear and final check-out.
* Please Note – your skater may have a private lesson or want to take advantage of freestyle ice on Saturday morning. You should check with your skater to find out what their schedule is. If they have a lesson, you may want watch the lesson and have your skater clean out their locker room afterward.
** Please Note – If you and your skater are driving to the airport to catch a flight, leave yourself at least 3 hours to check out of camp, get to the airport, and check in. If your flight is before 11:30am you may want to check out of camp on Friday. (See 16 – Friday Exhibition and Early Check-Out Procedures).
We will not check out skaters before 8:30am.
Samples Camp Schedules
· Check-in at the Sports Complex – 12:30pm to 3:30pm
· Check-in at dormitory – 12:45pm to 3:45pm
· Field Trip for skaters staying multiple weeks – 12:30pm to 3:30pm
· Welcome Dinner at Dining Hall – 4:30pm to 5:15pm
· Orientation – 5:15pm – 6:00pm
· Skaters and Counselors meet in their groups for introductions (parents leave)
· Bonfire and S’mores (weather permitting) at Whipple Fire Pit, 7:00pm to 8:30pm
Sample Group Schedule:
· Optional Freestyle Ice & Private Lessons
· Check-Out at Dormitories – 8:30am to 11:00am
· School Store open from 11:00am to 1:00pm
· Movie Night at St. Mary’s Hall for campers staying multiple weeks
Local Hotels & Accomodations
Following is a short list of local hotels and accommodations. For a more comprehensive list with hotel details,
please go to https://www.s-sm.org/admissions/accommodations/
The Inn at Shattuck-St. Mary’s 1000 Shumway Ave (507) 333-1900 / inn@s-sm.org
Boarders Inn & Suites 1801 Lavender Drive 507-334-9464 or 844-452-0395 |
Historic Hutchinson House 305 Second Street NW 507-384-3291 |
Day’s Inn 1920 Cardinal Lane 507-334-6835
Vintage Ballroom & Suites 129 Central Avenue 3rd Floor 507-334-7476 or 507-334-5603 |
Grandstay Residential Suites 1500 20th Street NW 507-334-2888
Be My Guest 112 3rd Street Northeast, Faribault, MN 55021 |
TRANSPORTATION AROUND CAMPUS: If you plan to stay at a local hotel, you will need to have a car for transportation. If you will be staying on campus at the Inn at Shattuck-St. Mary’s, it is still suggested you have a car for transportation. The campus is large and the downtown area and shopping is quite a distance away.
Refund Policy
Refund Policy
All registrations are considered final. However, refunds (minus a $150 processing fee) will be allowed for skaters who withdraw 10 days prior to the first day of camp due to physician-documented injuries and/or medical conditions (we require a letter from a physician). Family emergencies will be considered on a case-by-case basis. There will be no refunds for no-shows or withdrawals after the 10th day before camp commencement. If a skater is injured or gets sick during camp, we pro-rate the refund depending on the days attended (minus a $150 processing fee).
Goal-Setting & Lesson Planning Document
Visiting Coaches
Visiting Coaches
For a fee of $65.00 per day, we welcome outside coaches to visit our camp and learn from our world-class guest and resident coaches. The visiting coach fee includes 3 meals per day, lectures, and group class observation. Visiting coaches can observe PRIVATE lessons with their skaters ONLY.
The visiting coach daily fee will be waived for coaches bringing 3 or more skaters to camp.
IMPORTANT! - Visiting Coaches are not allowed in locker rooms, in the hallway outside locker rooms, or in the skater’s dormitory.
If you are interested in attending camp, please reach out to Amy Cox. You will need to provide current background check information and proof of liability insurance.