Shattuck-St. Mary’s was founded as an Episcopal school and continues to honor its heritage to this day.
Our mission is clear on the importance of helping our students grow spiritually. As an Episcopal boarding and day school, there are several aspects of spiritual development that are part of every student’s experience at Shattuck-St. Mary’s:
- Weekly chapel service that brings students and faculty together to worship and reflect as a community
- Graduation requirement to take either or both Introduction to the Bible or World Religions courses
Spiritual History
Shattuck-St Mary’s religious affiliation reaches back to the founding of the School by missionary priest the Rev. James Lloyd Breck in 1858. For more than 160 years, the School’s history has been deeply rooted in a relationship with the Episcopal Church’s practices of regular worship, the study of Scripture, and strengthening young men and women for a life of learning and service.
Consistent with the Episcopal ethos, the School has a fundamental commitment to be an inclusive community grounded in respect for each of its members. The religious pluralism of this community gives the School the opportunity and responsibility to foster the religious and spiritual formation of people from a variety of religious backgrounds.
Students participate in the spiritual life of the School by:
Developing an appreciation for the religious diversity and backgrounds of our students along with the history and practices associated with them
Exploring issues of faith by examining larger issues of student experience and belief systems
Deepening students’ understanding of their own religious traditions
Taking opportunities to transform faith into action by addressing social problems through community service and other outreach efforts
Cultivating spiritual practices such as silent reflection and listening
Learning about God’s love as expressed through the Christian church’s scripture, history, theology, and practice