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Friends of Soccer

Shattuck-St. Mary's Friends of Soccer supports the mission and vision of the Boys and Girls Soccer Centers of Excellence by providing financial resources to aid in the development of world-class players, coaches, and facilities for years to come.

The purpose of this restricted fund is to provide alumni, parents, and friends of the SSM Soccer Center of Excellence the ability to support the program through charitable donations. Gifts to this fund support SSM athletes, coaches, and soccer-related equipment and facilities, and are intended to provide long-term sustainability of the program. As part of the School’s restricted gift policy, 10% of donations made to SSM’s Friends of Soccer will be directed to the Annual Fund for the support of the School’s general operating budget. The remaining funds will be allocated evenly to three priorities: today, tomorrow, and capital projects.

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30% of donations will be directed to the annual budget of the Soccer Center of Excellence.

Following annual planning and budgeting processes with the CFO, the Soccer Directors will prioritize, budget, and spend funds annually to improve overall program performance through expanded playing and coaching opportunities. Any surplus funds above the annual budget will be allocated to the SSM Soccer COE endowment.


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30% of donations will be deposited into an endowment fund that will provide long-term support to the program.

Once the required minimum corpus of $100,000 is reached, the fund will be endowed, and the School will follow a 5% distribution draw per year. The funds dispersed through the endowment draw will be managed by the Directors of Boys and Girls Soccer, the Director of Admissions, and CFO to increase the financial aid pool for soccer athletes attending SSM.   

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30% of donations will be allocated to support capital improvements to soccer-related facilities.

The Head of School, CFO, Soccer COE Directors, and Sports Complex Manager will prioritize, budget, and spend funds on improvements to these facilities. Any surplus funds above the year’s capital budget will roll over to the following year, earmarked for as-needed facilities improvements.