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Friends of The Major

Shattuck-St. Mary's The Major Center of Excellence offers students an enriching experience blending academic rigor with real-world application, empowering them to explore passions and develop critical skills. 

As we continue to look to the future, Shattuck-St. Mary’s Friends of The Major is committed to helping our students pursue their passion and learn more about the world of music. Gifts to this fund support SSM students, faculty, and program-related equipment and facilities, and are intended to provide for long-term sustainability of the program.

This dedicated fund serves as a conduit for alumni, parents, and friends of the SSM The Major Center of Excellence to make a meaningful contribution that empower our program to thrive. Your generosity not only enriches the experiences of our students but also upholds the cherished traditions of excellence that define Shattuck-St. Mary’s. 

Support Shattuck-St. Mary's Major COE!


30% of donations will be directed to the annual budget of the Major Center of Excellence.

Following annual planning and budgeting processes with the CFO, the Director of The Major will prioritize, budget, and spend funds annually to improve overall program performance through expanded student opportunities. Any surplus funds above the annual budget will be allocated to the SSM Major COE endowment.


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30% of donations will be deposited into an endowment fund that will provide long-term support to the program.

Once the required minimum corpus of $100,000 is reached, the fund will be endowed, and the School will follow a 5% distribution draw per year. The funds dispersed through the endowment draw will be managed by the Director of The Major, the Director of Admissions, and CFO to increase the financial aid pool for The Major students attending SSM.   

30% of donations will be allocated to support capital improvements to The Major-related facilities.

The Head of School, CFO, and Director of The Major will prioritize, budget, and spend funds on improvements to these facilities. Any surplus funds above the year’s capital budget will roll over to the following year, earmarked for as-needed facilities improvements.